Why Insulation Is Important
Insulating the walls, ceilings, and attic in your building is a basic, yet essential part of developing a high-quality property that is guaranteed to stand the test of time. Insulation is made out of a variety of different materials including cotton, wool, spray polyurethane, and more. These materials are normally paired with wooden planks, which hold the soft insulation in place, while providing additional insulating power.
Many property owners make the mistake of overlooking the insulation process in an effort to save money and cut down on construction time. However, the effects of neglecting the insulation process can wind up costing a lot more money in repairs and utilities down the road, along with a plethora of other adverse effects.
At Innovation Home Services, we are committed to providing property owners with eco-friendly, cost-saving solutions. Are you thinking about hiring an insulation service to improve your building? Continue reading to learn why insulation is so important and how an energy assessment can help you gauge your current energy expenditures.
Save energy
One of the biggest problems associated with an uninsulated space is that it is easy for air from the interior of your building to escape. In this case, your HVAC system must work overtime to achieve the temperature that you set your thermostat to. The result is a large amount of wasted energy, which wreaks havoc on the environment. This issue can easily be resolved with the help of insulation. Insulating materials help separate the air from inside your home or commercial building from the outside, therefore maximizing the effects of any warm or cool air coming out of your HVAC system.
Maintain a consistent temperature
The more air you lose through insufficient insulation, the more difficult it will be to maintain a comfortable temperature inside your building. This is due to constant fluctuations in the temperature outside, making it difficult for HVAC equipment to keep up. Additionally, the more work your heating and cooling system has to do, the more likely it will be to break down over time. Consequently, you will need to call an HVAC repair specialist on a regular basis in order to keep your space at a desirable temperature.
Save money and increase property value
A lack of insulation can lead to a number of consequences, one of which is a surge in the cost of utility bills. As previously mentioned, buildings that are not properly sealed off require excess energy to reach the same temperature that an insulated space could otherwise achieve with minimal strain on the heating and cooling system. Additionally, once you are ready to sell your home or commercial building, prospective buyers will undoubtedly be willing to pay a higher price for a well-insulated space. With this combination of monthly savings, as well as a lucrative sale, the result is more money in your pocket. In fact, a recent study reported as much as a 117% return on investment for insulation services.
Prevent infestations
If your building is not protected with airtight insulation, it may contain gaps that are large enough for pests and insects to pass through to your interior. Infestation problems are uncomfortable, expensive, and complicated to resolve. Unfortunately, these issues are common among property owners that fail to incorporate proper insulation into their walls, attics, and ceilings. From cockroaches to mice, there are many critters that can easily be kept outdoors with the help of a thorough insulation service.
Keep moisture out
Moisture is one of the major culprits of low interior air quality, odors, health issues, and compromised structural integrity. If your building contains gaps where humid air from the outdoors is seeping inside, it is very likely that mold will develop on your interior surfaces. This can be extremely dangerous and difficult to remove. Insulation helps maintain dry, high-quality air inside of your building.
How can an energy assessment help me?
At Innovation Home Services, we offer free energy assessments and quotes so that you can evaluate the needs of your property. During this process, our professional team will audit the amount of energy usage regularly taking place in your building, and where this could be cut down. This is an excellent way to evaluate the effects that your day-to-day processes have on the environment. Furthermore, an energy assessment will help identify the areas in which money is being wasted on unnecessary energy expenditures. Once this analysis is complete, you will be able to take action and explore a number of solutions that will enable you to do your part to protect our earth.
High-quality insulation services offer property owners a variety of exciting benefits that make this service well worth the time, energy, and upfront costs. If you are ready to get started, contact us today to request a free quote on our services.